Free The Inspiration

Be Inspired
February 11, 2010, 12:30 am
Filed under: Be Inspired | Tags:

So this is a great website to go to if you feel like giving across the world. I have used this website twice and it’s so fulfilling to be able to give in a way that is empowering. has a wonderful mission which is to “connect people, through lending, for the sake of alleviating poverty.” Basically, the website is a place where you find all kinds of different people in third world countries trying to start businesses to better their own lives. You get to see a picture of them and their business plan. You also get to see how much money they need to get things started. This is a loan so you can give any amount you want. After giving, you get updates on how business is going. You also get updates on how much of the money you loaned is getting paid back. Once the loan payment is paid, you get to spend that money on another person! It’s so awesome! Click here to check it out!

“Kiva empowers individuals to lend to an entrepreneur across the globe. By combining microfinance with the internet, Kiva is creating a global community of people connected through lending.”

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